The 6 Clair Senses: How To Communicate With Your Spirit Guides

"I want to communicate with my spirit guides, but I'm not clairvoyant."

I hear this ALL THE TIME and I am here to tell you that you don't have to be clairvoyant to communicate or work with the spiritual world. You also may be clairvoyant and just not recognize it yet!

When communicating with the spiritual world, there are 6 senses that we use. The most commonly talked about is definitely clairvoyance, but if you are not clairvoyant, that doesn't mean all hope is lost. It just means that you may have a different dominant Clair.

I believe that everyone is capable of developing these skills. Like any other skill, some people are born or have childhoods that lend themselves to the development of these skills, but I believe that everyone is capable.

First thing you need to understand:

The spiritual world communicates through signs and synchronicities. At first these signs and synchronicities may not be obvious, but once you start asking to see them and taking the time to pause and make the connections your speed of understanding will increase.

There are 6 Clair Senses:

Just like the 5 senses we learn about as children, there are 6 senses that we use when receiving information from the spiritual world. And just like our 5 senses, most people have 1 or 2 senses that they rely on more than others. As I go through each one, I am going to share a bit about my experience with each. Keep in mind, everyone's experience is different so if you are reading this and thinking "I think I'm clairvoyant but her experience isn't the same as mine," trust your first instinct! Our experiences don't have to be the same to be valid.

1. Clairvoyance - "Clarity of seeing"

Clairvoyance is definitely the most socially common "clair." You may be clairvoyant if you see images when you meditate, see things out of the corner of your eye that "aren't there" when you turn your head, or you can see how energy is moving in a room.

Clairvoyance was the first clair that I discovered. When I was first starting this work I would meditate and see all of these images and spirit guides. Once I realized that this was not how everyone moved through life, I start testing what else I could "see." When seeing clairvoyantly it doesn't feel like when you are seeing a solid object. At times it feels like it could be your imagination, but once you start testing it (like tuning into someone's energetic field and looking for where the energy stops or gets stuck, then asking if that person has built up tension or physical pain there and they confirm that they do...funny how that works) you will realize that you are sensing a deeper level of "seeing."

2. Clairsentience - "Clarity of sensing or feeling"

Clairsentience is when you can feel or sense other's energies. I often think that natural empaths have some clairsentience (keeping in mind that one can be clairsentient and not take on the energies they are feeling). You may be clairsentient if you know when someone enters a room before you see them, you sense other beings or spirits in your presence even if you can't see them, or you often have physical sensations (like chills) that pull your focus at times.

3. Claircognizance - "Clarity of knowing"

Claircongnizance is one of the more difficult ones to trust at times, because it shows itself as a gut feeling. It's those moments when you don't know why but you know something is about to happen, you have information that you logically have no reason of knowing, or you can sense that someone miles away is experiencing something. To me, it often feels like a water balloon is dropped into my mind and suddenly I have information about something. The key with this one is to develop self trust so that you can follow those "knowings."

4. Clairaudience - "Clarity of hearing"

Clairaudience is a fun one! This way of communicating or downloading information is through hearing words, sounds, songs, and sometimes sounds from a specific location. You may be clairaudient if you constantly have music running through your mind (especially if individual phrases tend to repeat), or you think you hear things but then nothing is there.

I frequently have songs running through my head. When I was first doing Energy Healing sessions with clients I would hear songs playing and think it was just my ADD distracting me. I then realized that the songs, especially the lyrics, carry messages to give to the people I am healing. I even had one time when I told a client "I don't know why but Silent Night keeps playing in my head, especially this one line," her eyes got big and she said "me and my ex [who we were doing some healing around] used to have a joke about that line."

5. Clairalience - "Clarity of smelling"

Sometimes the spirit world will share information with you through various smells. I will admit this is one that I have not experienced in my healing work. However I would imagine that people who are good at identifying spices or flowers based on smell, or have strong recall of locations or people based on scent are clairalient. If you were clairalient you may have certain scents that you associate with different spirit guides or skills that need to be used in a healing.

6. Clairgustance - "Clarity of taste"

This one is WILD! I have had one instance where this clair came through strongly and my mind was blown. I was in a healing session and suddenly all I could taste was apple cider donuts. I asked that client if she had any fond memories of apple cider donuts and she said she loved them as a child...we were doing inner child healing that day. If you are someone who will have seemingly random bursts of taste you may be clairgustient.

Working with the Clairs

I like to think of the Clairs as your girl squad! You may feel closer with one Clair, but you always have access to every member of the group. You might normally hang out with Clair-Voyance on a Friday night but there might be a night when Clair-Audience would be more helpful. Over time, you will get to know the different Clairs and your relationships will grow stronger.

Identifying Your Dominant Clair

If you are new to spiritual work, I recommend identifying your dominant Clair and working to strengthen and trust that relationship first (chances are the others will start to develop naturally as you strengthen one). To identify which is your dominant Clair, sit in a comfortable space, close your eyes and tune into your body. Make sure you are breathing. With your eyes closed, open up your senses and ask for a "download" from the Universe or ask the Universe a specific question (try to avoid yes or no questions as they do not lend themselves to much informational transfer).

Pay attention to what happens next. Does information just drop in (claircognizance), do you see images (clairvoyance), do you hear sounds of any kind (clairaudience), do you sense the presence of something (clairsentience), do you smell a familiar scent (clairalience), do you taste a familiar taste (clairgustance)? Whatever comes through first, this is likely your dominant clair and the one you will want to start developing.

Continued Reading: 5 Favorite Oracle Decks To Get To Know Your Spirit Guides

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