What is Shamanic Energy Healing?

Hello and Welcome to The Energy Studio Blog!

My name is Madeleine. I'm a shamanic energy healer and the creator of The Energy Studio!

Today, I want to talk about the basics of Shamanic Energy Healing.

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Where it comes from:

Shamanic energy healing is a broad term. If you go far enough back most cultures have some form of energy healing. I think we typically think of it (at least in America) as only being a part of indigenous native American cultures. But if you delve deep enough into other cultures, for example, Celtic and Norse, you'll see that almost every culture has either shamanic energy healing or some energetic work foundation.

The places where religion took over earlier, the farther back you have to go to find that foundation. So for someone like me who is not of native American descent (I have a very strong Irish Celtic line and I have some Norse in me), I tend to resonate more with the Norse and Celtic practices because that is what's in my lineage. That is in my own blood.

I want to make sure to make the point that just because you did not grow up in an indigenous culture does not mean that this is not part of your lineage. It just means that it was likely lost somewhere along the way. So if this work resonates with you, seek it out. Don't appropriate other's cultures, but you can honor and research their culture to discover your own understanding of it.

Okay but what IS Shamanic Energy Healing?

The way I like to think of it is that we have different layers of healing. You might go to a chiropractor and they will align your spine. And then you might go to a Reiki healer and they will help align your chakras.

A shamanic healer will go one layer deeper to the very core of your being and work with your energetic system to see what is throwing your chakras out of alignment. They will check to see if there anything on a spiritual or energetic realm that is throwing your spinal alignment out of whack. So in my mind, it is the deepest layer of healing.

Now within that healing, there are a lot of different things that we do. It's not just one cookie cutter modality.

We practice things like:

Past life regressions

Soul retrievals

Inner child healing

Ancestral healing

Compassionate Deposession

Healing past life wounds and contracts

Healing stored trauma/wounds from this life

Inner child healing

Ancestral healing

Curse unraveling

... really whatever comes up for the client in that session, that's what we move through!

Signs you may need an energy healing:

1. Feeling incredibly tired and drained.

So take a second, close your eyes and tune into the core of your being. Right in the center of your torso, if your body was a tree trunk, this would be the most center ring.

And now imagine that there is an energetic thermometer at the center of your core. What level is your thermometer at? If it is all the way down at the bottom, and your own energetic temperature is really low and depleted...it might be time for an energy healing.

If your energy is feeling depleted, you might have some energetic leaks. You might have some things that are taking your energy from you. Possible energetic cords with people or things that you don't need. When you have a "cord" with somebody it means that there is an energetic connection and your energy can go to them and their energy can come to you. Ideally we do not want to be giving others our energy or taking on the energy of other's.

2. It feels like there is something you just can't get past. Even if you are somebody who's really into self-help and you're doing that mental work and reading and journaling, and maybe you're meditating but something just isn’t shifting.

That block is more than likely something energetic happening in your body. We know that we store emotions and trauma in our bodies. And so, if we're making all these mental changes and your body hasn't caught up yet, if your body hasn't dealt with those things or healed those wounds that caused the mental patterns in the first place, it's going to be like "Hey, yo, I am NOT ready! We are going to stay where we are. And I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you where you are!!"

When we do healings, we open the opportunity for new, healthier ways of surviving. So if you're somebody who really enjoys doing that mental work and you feel like you're coming up against blocks, it might be time for an energy healing. That might be the missing factor.

It certainly was for me.

3. Repeated physical injury. If there is a certain place in your body that keeps getting injured, there may be something off in your energetic system causing that area to be weak or causing it to call out for attention.

4. You just get the feeling that something is "off." Sometimes we get that intuitive hit that something is not quite in alignment. If you are feeling that pull to schedule a healing, there is a reason! Listen to it.

How frequently should you get an energy healing?

I normally say if you are new to energetic healing, once a month is great. Giving yourself that consistency is very useful but we also want to make sure we give a few weeks between sessions to give time for the dust to settle.

All of this work works in a web or weave, so when we move one thing energetically, it's going to shift other areas as well; other things are likely going to come up that may need healing or they may self align. So giving yourself three to four weeks between healings is lovely.

After a while, you start to recognize when it's time, you

start to get that feeling of, oh yeah! My intuition is telling me it's time to schedule another healing. Sometimes you don't even know why it's time to

schedule another healing. But by the time the healing happens or maybe for when the healing is scheduled, something comes up and you'll know it was divinely scheduled. So if you get that intuitive hit, just schedule a healing.

That is my (sort of) quick version of shamanic energy healing. If you're interested in setting up an energy healing with me, you can do that through our website, www.the-energy-studio.com. Or through THIS LINK.

And lastly, if you liked this post, give it a, like, give it a subscribe, leave a comment, and feel free to leave questions! I will try to answer them in future posts. And other than that, thank you for watching and I'll talk to you soon!


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